is it possible to make a code that told the wordpressmu if there is a file in plugin folder give order to make a database table ,make this table for each member db not only for the main blog table
is it possible to make a code that told the wordpressmu if there is a file in plugin folder give order to make a database table ,make this table for each member db not only for the main blog table
It is possible, just code it.
the problem i am not a programer .. and can not do it .. if any one ca plz do it it will be great
Then learn how to code. I am no expert programmer too. Learnt my way through trial and error and from experts here and elsewhere. :)
If you run MU, you are a blog host. As a host, you need to be knowledgeable and have the ability to hel your users.
The expert coders are usually more than busy running their own sites and using those coding skills to earn a living. ;)
i am in the faculty of medicine in egypt but the best thing in my life is php i wanna to learn it .. i try to learn it but no time .. and no place in my country to learn php .. so what can i do now :D .. i try to learn php through learning IPB code
Nice to meet you. Doctor huh? :) Learn php online. Lots of resources and tutorials. Or buy a book.
online :d .. "no timeeeeeeeee" .. no books in egypt about php :d
and i am not a doctor i am still in the faculty
All the php we learned was online. :) Had to spend less time posting in forums though. ;)
(Egypt? Way cool. My youngest daughter and I love Egypt and want to go visit some day.)
:D i am in a holiday that will finish after 5 days .. after that i will not post here or in any another place
andrea u are welcome to egypt .. when u come to egypt u will KNOW why when some one come to it .. must return back ..