Administrating a blog on, the dom of the edit article page looks like this
div id="postdivrich"
div id="editor-toolbar"
div id="quicktags"
div id="ed_toolbar"
div id="editorcontainer"
textarea id="content"
span id="content_parent"
table id="post-status-info"
where elements with ids "quicktags" and "content" are switched between css display:none and display:block and represent the HTML editor whilst span-element with id "content_parent" is switched between css display:block and display:none and represents the visual editor/tinymce.
On my fresh install of WPmu 2.8.4a, the span-element with id "content_parent" is missing and switching from HTML to visual editor the "quicktags"-element is hidden by setting display:none while the "content"-textarea stays visible.
hope this helps to identify the problem.