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Login redirect and avatars using WPMU and SPF (3 posts)

  1. dpd1998
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm using WPMU 2.8.4 and Simple Press Forum (SPF) 4.04 Both are the current versions. I'll be upgrading each as new versions come out.

    After reading a few other post on both WPMU and SPF forums I'm finding partial solutions to some issues I'm trying to change. The problem is that I'm new to coding and not sure what is the best approach or where to make changes. I can find code and replace but need to see what current code looks like and what new code needs to be replaced.

    I want control of all blogs in the sub-domain from I will add another WPMU without SPF attached on a sub directory for open public use at a later date.

    Here is what I have accomplished now:

    Have people join the forum and be able to comment on blogs and forum without having to have a blog.

    They must be logged in to comment on blogs or make post in forum.

    All login is at the forum or branded page.

    Only registration is at the Forum so I can force viewing Terms of use. All other links to registrations have been removed.

    Only way to get a sub-domain blog is through a admin setting it up.

    Only profile used for viewing users is the forums.

    Here is what I still want to accomplish and need help or advice on. Any security issues?

    1. Have forum avatar view on blogs comments. (All users register at forum and have a profile.)

    2.When someone logs into or any they will be directed to the dashboard only if they have Administrator, Editor, Author or contributor privileges. If all they have is subscriber privilege they are directed to the forum. (not their wp-profile like they are now.)

    Links to wp-login.php have been moved or have redirects already. I need the above so I can have main login for the blogs that redirects user the right place. I have found redirects in the WP plugins but know of them work as I'd like them to on WPMU. Those who Subscribe only will never see the back end of WPMU.

    From my understanding of the WPMU plugins there isn't one that will do this and if there is I can't afford to be a subscriber to WPMU yet. I've been on sick leave or laid off the past year and a struggling single father of 3. when I have the income I most definitely subscribe because benefits would out weigh the cost.

    I'll be making this post in both WPMU and SPF forums in hopes that I can get some help.

    Thank You,


  2. Frumph
    Posted 15 years ago #

    David, SPF 4.04 has an option in it's settings to disable the wp-admin area and direct them to the profile editor in SPF already.

    As for the avatar, SPF doesnt have that ability yet for comments but works really well from it's own.

    So I suggest using the comment -> to forum ability SPF has and disable comments sitewide so that comments are made on forum posts when a blog post is created.

    What it does when you do that, when you post a blog post at the bottom of the edit screen in add-new there's an SPF option (if you set it up in the SFP settings) there's an SPF option to choose to make a link to the forums for people to use to comment with.

  3. dpd1998
    Posted 15 years ago #

    WOW, Thanks for the quick reply.

    I've made so many changes on my settings I must have turned "disable the wp-admin area" off some time ago. I forgot all about it until you jarred my memory. Now its working great.

    As far as "comment -> to forum" I've only seen this option on the main site and not the sub-domains. How do I get that changed? This is what I've wanted to do all along but it doesn't work.

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