Had an email from a site user who had this to say about our site:
"At work (IE6) it takes around 4:30 (that's 4 minutes, 30 seconds) to load the home page. At home (IE8) with firewall running it took 0:35 secs and with the firewall off it took 0:15. I only had time for one quick test. I need to repeat it a few times to filter out normal traffic issues."
It seems IE6 produces errors -
Line 4,
error: 'document.getElementByld(...)' is null or not an object
Code 0,
URL: http://adventuresportnq.info
I cannot reproduce the error in IE7, IE8, Firefox or Chrome.
Posted 15 years ago #
That'll be an IE6 issue then.
BTW, as I mentioned in my last reply to you ( http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic/14029?replies=5 ), you are still trying to load jQuery twice and prototype once and getting 500 server errors and loading jquery from code.jquery.com is slowing down your site a LOT (you aren't seeing it at home because the library is probably cached, try clearing your cache out and loading it again).
Get firebug for firefox, open it up and select the Net tab, then load your page. The red lines are the errors. the code.jquery.com call is returning a 301 redirect, which is probably why it is taking a while to resolve.
Solve those issues and IE might start working again.
Thanks cafespain,
Now I've got something more specific to work with. I'll follow your advice.
BTW, I did activate the Google Ajax libraries but the whole site stopped working and my IT guru is away in Sydney till next week, so I deactivated it again.
Many thanks for your support