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Two New Widgets Released (5 posts)

  1. DeannaS
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I threw a couple of new widgets out there for folks to have some fun with.

    Featured Blog Tag Cloud and Shortcode
    We use this one together with Donncha's sitewide tags plugin, so we can have a tag cloud on your site's home page that references the tags from the tags blog. The shortcode just allows you to pass in the ID of the blog you want, otherwise it acts pretty much just like the built-in shortcode, but with the defaults set a little differently - you can set the defaults directly in the code if you prefer different ones.

    Featured Blog Widget
    This widget lets you pick a featured blog and a featured author within that blog, and it will display the avatar of the featured author and a user-specified number of posts from the blog.

    Both of these came out of the work that we were doing on an internal blog server - so they might be a tad bit customized in terms of layout. But, they're good starting points if you need to do something similar.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Great work as usual Deanna. :)

    Did you do the other feature blog/user widget there (I can't remember today, allergies)? Been thinking of tweaking it to show the user's About section as well as avatar.

  3. DeannaS
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Nope, I think that was dsader. It's similar to the one I did - and we considered just using that one.... And, right at this very moment I can't remember why we didn't. (Allergies and insomnia.) I know there was a reason, though....

  4. webhostuk
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I looks a good news to me..

  5. DeannaS
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I got a feature enhancement request on the featured blog, so there's a new version posted now:

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