Hi, I'm trying to get Feed URLS for my Site News to be relative to that part rather than the whole site. So for example my site is domain.com/blog/ for the site news, well the feed url is domain.com/feed/ what I want is for it to be domain.com/blog/feed/ because its more consistent with the structure and confusing doing it the standard way. Thanks
Posted 15 years ago #
If your site / blog is at domain.com/myblog then your feed should be at domain.com/myblog/feed already.
domain.com/feed would be the feed for the root site / blog
Yes but the feed url for the blog should be /blog/feed/ because the feed is for the blog, and not the whole site! The blog I am referring to is the "site news" of a standard WordPress MU installation.
domain.com/feed/ *is* the feed for the main blog, not the whole site.
Unless you've put Sitewide Tags plugin on the main blog and are feeding all posts there.
A sitewide feed is not built in.
Yes but that's the problem because the feed is following the domain.com/ rather than the /blog it gives the impression that it is a feed for the domain rather than just the blog section of your site. My question is how I can get it to do it so that that domain.com/feed/ is the sitewide feed and domain.com/blog/feed/ is the blog feed!