Does this exist? I would like a calendar that allows users to create and modify events, but only their own. And when you view their blog, I would like for only their events to appear. I would also like to have a site wide calendar which pulls from all of the individual user's calendars. In a perfect world, I would also like to be able to display events based on category.
Are the any solutions out there already? Are my only choices writing my own plug in or using a single user calendar and using a query to populate the site wide one?
Thanks in advance.
While there are single-blog calendar plugins out there, I can't remember hearing about any sitewide ones.
So yeah, pick a single one and you'll have to write the sitewide part.
Howdy hitekhomeless. I'm trying to do the same thing. Here's few leads:
In this thread, from the premium wpmudev forums, SteveAtty suggests that Kieran O'Shea's updated Calendar plugin will do what we're talking about. I'm skimming Kiernan's forums, and it looks like he's continuing to debug it for WPMU, but this looks very promising.
Hope that's helpful.
Kieran's calendar works fine installed as a WP plugin inside WPMU - I've got it installed on my site.
So all you'd need to do I guess is write a plugin to run across all the calendar tables and collate the data into one single calendar. Personally I couldn't see me ever wanting to do that on my blogs.
Posted 15 years ago #
I'm helping work through issues on a new Wordpress MU server for my school district. I've used Kieran's calendar on my regular WP site without problems, but when I try it on the MU site, all of the information goes into the main MU calendar, but won't show on individual sites. Our system administrator is sort of feeling his way through this with my husband (he's an internet developer who moved all the sites he worked with to MU over the summer) so I'm sort of stuck in the middle, trying to help find solutions so this all goes quicker and we can use it with people who are less tech savvy than I am. Any suggestions here?
kkingins: Kieran's plugin used to work for WPMU but has not since 2.8.5; there's a forum topic about the MU problem on Kieran's site. Apparently some users found a hack that worked, but others have reported that the hack quit working after upgrading to WPMU 2.8.6. I'm dealing with the same problem myself so I thought it'd help to call attention to the thread on Kieran's forum! Good luck.
I'd not noticed it had stopped working - how very odd
The fix (for subdirectories) is to find:
<form name="quoteform" id="quoteform" class="wrap" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?page=calendar">
which is line 617 or so and change it to
<form name="quoteform" id="quoteform" class="wrap" method="post" action="">
Well that fixes the able to insert new events and so on...
I can confirm the fix provided by Steve works. It also needs to be applied here:
Line 1439:
<form name="quoteform" id="quoteform" class="wrap" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?page=calendar-config">
<form name="quoteform" id="quoteform" class="wrap" method="post" action="">
This fixes saving the options page
You may want to try the-events-calendar and create domain-wide calendar by modifying the query for pulling out the events. I'm working on it right now. I'll let you know who it goes.