I just released a new plugin for embedding Google maps without an API key. Feedback welcomed:
I just released a new plugin for embedding Google maps without an API key. Feedback welcomed:
Oooo, this is going to help a few people. :)
I am slowly working my way through the various shortcodes on wordpress.com and doing something similar with all the ones we'd see our people using that we can't find an existing plugin for....
As you can register a Google API at a domain level you could get one for your domain and hide it in the header.
That's what I did to allow anyone to embed complex googlemaps (with polyline over lays) into my blog using short codes embedded into the post with an editor extension. I'm running in subdirectory mode but it would work with subdomains too.
Google maps API v3 doesn't require an API key anymore.
@SteveAtty - My coworker and I have had an ongoing debate about the terms of service for google maps API and whether or not it's "legal" to use it in a pseudo intranet environment. Hence the decision not to go with a site-wide API key.
@cafespain - interesting. I'll have to keep my eye on that and see what happens with that version....
Google TOS's are so complicated I'm not sure anyone but their lawyers understand them!
This is the list of my plugins, the new maps don't show up, as I said, I am able to see the old maps that I had set before with this plugin (Google Maps Embed) but for any new addresses I insert, the map would just not display.
Comment Rating - Activated
Exclude Pages from Navigation - Activated
Fun Facts - Activated
Google Analytics for WordPress - Activated
Google Maps embed - Activated Version 1.1
My Page Order - Activated
Page Links To - Activated
Youtuber - Activated
missfor - which plugin did you add after you added google maps embed? I don't really have any desire to download and install all those plugins, so if you could narrow it down, that'd be helpful.
Hello DeannaS!
I actually use a few of your plugins (both wp and wpmu) does this plugin work as "must use" (in the mu folder)?
If not, what sort of modifications would be necessary to accomplish this?
Thanks for all your work!
Update: Thanks to help on twitter from @andrea_r, I got it figured out. Two lines of code changed within the plugin and then an extra file added outside the plugin folder to tell mu where to look. If anyone's interested, give me a shout.
Glad Andrea got ya covered.