Posted 15 years ago #
Hi all,
I might be misunderstanding the concepts of these two caching methods, maybe they are trying to achieve the same thing and cannot be used together, but I would like to use memcached and eAccelerator together to get the best performance out of our 256 slice at Slicehost. We are running a WPMU/BuddyPress network.
There are plugins available for both caching methods - how would I go about making them play nicely together?
WP.com uses batcache for memacached - what other methods does it use?
eAccelerator keeps a compiled copy of the php for output. AFAIK, you can use them together.
256 slice? Last time I tried that, WPMU would barely run with no plugins at all. remember, on those slices they count *everything* - your mail, any processes not MU related, the whole nine yards.
If you're going to have any amount of traffic, please - bump it up. you'll just be fighting with it every day.
You can use both together and both do different things. Have you tried supercache or nginx with fastcgi cache?
Posted 15 years ago #
If you are not using Apache (use litespeed or nginx) then a 256 slice will do you just fine to start out with.
Put your mail on google apps for your domain and all you need to run on the slice is your webserver, php and the database.
I've got a 256mb slicehost slice that has been chugging along for over a year with no problems at all.
I found that something in WPMU causes segfaults if I enable memcache, but then again this is the same version of PHP that has problems with canary warnings.
I've got eaccelerator (latest release) running, but I had to change my shmmax to get it running, which may of course not be possible on some hosting solutions.
I've had no problems at all with memcached with php-fpm apc.
Posted 15 years ago #
No problems with xcache, php-fastcgi and memcached on a slicehost slice.
Posted 15 years ago #
Thanks for the feedback:
@andrea_r: We have WPMU and BuddyPress running fine for development on Apache, I'm going to be transferring to lighty if I can get everything working properly rewrite-wise. We'll also be running another slice dedicated to the DB when traffic starts coming in on launch.
@cafespain: I had the same thought, we've been running Google Apps for our email since I got the slice.
My only issue using both is that they both require installing 'object-cache.php' in /wp-content/.
Batcache [1] needs Ryans 'Memcached' plugin [2], and I have the eAccellerator [3] plugin installed. How do I get these two working?!
[1] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/batcache
[2] http://svn.wp-plugins.org/memcached/trunk/object-cache.php
[3] http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=13