Would anyone be interested in a global WPMU statistics system?
Basically, I would just create a simple plugin that would send how many blogs a site is hosting to wpmudev.org once every day. I would then display the statistics on the frontpage of wpmudev for everyone to see. Everything would be anonymous as far as how many blogs site X has and the only data sent would be the number of blogs so there's no real security threat.
It would work like this:
1) download plugin
2) goto wpmudev.org and get a statkey(each site will have to have one in order to send data due to chance of spammed data)
3) type statkey into the plugin and drop into mu-plugins.
4) the plugin will tally the total number of blogs once each day and send the data to wpmudev.org.
I'm just curious how many blogs are hosted on WPMU based blog hosts. If you all like this idea i'll code the plugin this week. If no one seems to take interest, I won't. Simple as that :)
Comments? Questions?