Thanks everyone. Note: The solution andrea_r provides works for me. Here is an overview of my issue and how I resolved it:
The problem
I am in the process of moving servers and when I attempted to install WPMU on the new server, I was continually redirected to the existing site on the OLD server when attempting to login after installation.
The fix
Please note that I am on a Mac, running OSX 10.5.8.
- Open Terminal (located in your Application/Utilities folder)
- Type "sudo su" minus the quotes.
- You will be prompted for your password. Enter it.
- Type "pico /private/etc/hosts" minus the quotes
- Pico is Terminal's text editor. The above line tells Terminal to edit the hosts file (located in /private/etc/)
- Add "" minus the quote marks somewhere in the page. Important: Change to the IP address of your server, where you are testing your new site. is the domain name that you want to map to the IP address.
- Exit, by clicking Control + X
- Save the changes
Now, when you visit, your computer loads the IP address that you supplied to your computer's host file (above). Everyone else still sees your old site and only your computer sees the one in devlopment. When you are done with development, open Terminal again, edit the host file like we did above, and remove the line we added above.