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Adding-block: can't display a block for both logged in and logged in user (2 posts)

  1. apelletier
    Posted 15 years ago #

    In the adding blocks plugins

    There is two options to manage if blocks are displayed or not to users logged in or not.

    The descriptions are quite confusing:

    - Enabled for users: Check to enable this block for users (logged in users)
    - Users only : Check to make this block a users only block (i.o.w.: it will only display if the user is logged in)

    It means the same, or not ??

    Anyway I can't configure a block to be displayed for both logged in users and unauthenticated ones.

    In the end I removed the checks on the variable user_only in the code.

  2. illutic
    Posted 15 years ago #

    No, these do not mean the same thing. The first one is that the block is also enabled for users (by default it's only enabled for visitors, if that checkbox is checked users can also see the block).
    The second block is for making it exclusively for users, thus making sure normal visitors can't see the blocks.

    So, to enable a block for both visitors and users you only check the 'enabled for users'-checkbox.

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by apelletier
  • Latest reply from illutic