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Cannot change theme (7 posts)

  1. fruitybeetle
    Posted 15 years ago #

    This is my first WPMU installation (2.8.4a). I'm used to standard WP.

    I've run straight into a problem with the themes. I cannot seem to change the theme from the Kubrick default - even to the other "classic" theme that comes with the installation, let alone any that I upload.

    I don't know if my installation has got a fault or I'm missing something.

    I've tried selecting a different overall theme from the Appearance menu, or deselecting all from the WPMU-specific menu and then selecting a theme per blog - all this still results in the default one being used - I'm stuck with it!

    When I try to select a theme specifically for a blog, it allows me to tick more than one - how would this work?!

    Any guidance much appreciated.

  2. fruitybeetle
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm being dim and have now worked it out.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Just in case someone else stumbles across this:

    Theme must first be activated sitewide under the Site Admin -> Themes menu.

    Or, if you go to Site Admin -> Blogs, then Edit a blog, deactive themes will appear on the right with checkboxes. In this way, you can approve a theme for just one blog.

    THEN you can go look at the Appearance menu. :D

  4. koncling
    Posted 14 years ago #

    i've activated themes menu under the site admin, but on user dashboard it's does'nt exist.

    do you know how to enable appearance menu on user dashboard?

  5. DeannaS
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I've never seen it not exist on the user dashboard of a user that has rights to change the theme. The user must be a blog administrator in order to change the theme. Are you sure that the user you're testing with is at that level?

  6. amskape
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hello pals,
    I am a Newbie in the Wordpress MU. I installed Wordpress MU 2.9.1 and
    2.9.2 in my localhost . It run smoothly , But I cannot Change templates
    for new Blogs ... I try alot in Admin->Blogs and Edit each blog ...
    and all possible methods in Appearance > Themes tab . But I cannot Get
    any Result yet. I am really tired due to that problem, please give a
    solution as early as possible. I am waiting your good peoples help
    You can reply me if you find a way to tackle same.... my id is :

    Anes P.A

  7. gregb43
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I'm having the same problem trying to change a theme for a add on blog...any suggestions or is this a bug that needs to be fixed?
    Update: nevermind, found the problem. If anyone else is having the same problem go to:
    1. Go to the "Dashboard" in the top left hand corner of your Panel
    2. Select "My Blogs"- this will give you a list of your blogs
    3. You will have an option to either select "Visit|Dashboard", Select the "Dashboard" under that Blog
    4. Select Appearance, Themes, and add the new theme. :)

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by fruitybeetle
  • Latest reply from gregb43