Hey there,
is there any way to ban new users from creating new blogs via wp-signup.php ?!?!
Hey there,
is there any way to ban new users from creating new blogs via wp-signup.php ?!?!
I'm not sure I understand this, you want to remove the ability to create new blogs?
That's the entire point of WPMU - the ability for users to create multiple blogs, if you want a single blog try WordPress,
forgive me if I'm misunderstanding here, it's been a long day :-p
We used to have an invite system that you could have used but *SOMEBODY* removed it. :)
You could remove wp-signup.php as stated but there's no method currently of adding in blogs fromt he admin menu. There's an outstanding ticket to get that in there though.
Can you still limit registrations to a particular domain, or has that feature gone too? If it's still there, you could use that - just limit the domain that people can register with to your own domain. That won't stop them from registering but it will prevent them from activating their account as they will only be able to register with an email address from your own domain.
Oh wow amanzi... I totally didn't think of that :-D
Dear all,
i just want three blogs on my wpmu installation for now.
amanzi solution is wonderful, thank you all guys.
Cheers ;)