I am using WPMU 2.8.4 with Buddypress 1.0.3.
I want to create a newsletter for my community with MailChimp. Is there a plugin or hack I can use to export all user email address and names from my setup so that they can be reimported into a MailChimp list?
I know that a WPMU Dev Premium plugin exists for this purpose but I was looking for a free solution even if it involves some manual steps. After searching through these forums, I have seen mention that a manual process can be used for this but I have not noticed an actual solution till now.
I'd just export out the required fields using phpmyadmin. That program has an export page and should work fine. No plugin required.
phpmyadmin is something your host should provide for you with your hosting.
found a great little plugin for regular wp but should work with wpmu too: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/amr-users/
Hey thanks for the inputs!
I do have phpadmin on my host, but I am not familiar with its functions. I'm going to look around for some tutorials as to how to find the right tables and how to export with phpadmin but any links that you can suggest are appreciated.
Thanks for the plugin info. Ill check on its website whether it has any issues with WPMU before using it on my production swtup.