Here a newbie on the really cool WPMU :-) I've figured something out already but now I want the following. On my blog I have an item named Slide Guestbook ( and it works as my guestbook. Now I want to have a link with 'Guestbook' in my sidebar under 'About'. I use the widget 'Pages' for this. How do I manually add this (and maybe other links) in the sidebar?
Instead of writing it as a Post, write the same info as a Page in the backend. Then it will show up on that menu.
Posted 14 years ago #
Using the Page Links To plugin can tie the two approaches together nicely too.
Create a placeholder page so that it shows up in the pages widget and then link it to the Slide Guestbook.
That was the other option I was thinking of.
Although I really replied again to say I like your new avatar there, kgraeme.
Posted 14 years ago #
Also, there's a nifty tool here - that will let you toss a file in your themes folder and instantly get a 'redirect template' on your site.
I know its a little off your direction, but since your working with navigation tricks I wanted to add it to your supply of tricks.
@andrea_r: The problem is that is already a post with comments (imported from nucleus) so that post I want to use because it already has comments.
I will look to the things you all said. Keep you informed :)
Hmmmm... I'd do a little database magic to move the comments too. (but that's the harder, pickier way) :D
I'm using the lugin from kgraeme 'Page Links To'. It works good for what I need. Thanks for your help. I'll be sniffing around here many times I think :)
P.s. sorry for my poor English sometimes. I'm Dutch :)