Posted 14 years ago #
So what to use?
- suleiman's 2-year-old
- wpmudev premium Avatar plugin
- ??
suleiman's seems to have some limitation in IE7, but on the other hand wpmudev's plugin requires edit of htaccess and discussion core file - don't like that.
Is there other options?
I've been working on making the WP plugin Open Community work on WPMU to give each user a sitewide avatar (and profile page). It does a lot of this OOTB, but I haven't had time to figure out how to call the avatars in sub-blogs, or change the post author links & comment author links to point to Open Community's profile pages. I'll update you when I get around to that, ideally in this next week sometime!
Oh, and just FYI, I discussed this with the plugin author here. No solutions yet.
Posted 14 years ago #
Gravatar is a great option also. Its one of my 'default' plugins.
I've modded add_local_avatars to create a global avatar. I haven't released it nor talked to the original plug in author about releasing it. But, if you want it, you can email me directly. deanna dot schneider at gmail dot com.
@jlm99 I have very interested in what you are creating there, I would love to get a copy of it when its finished. I'm a student just working on a small project in my own time and that modification sounds perfect.