I'd like to give a member blogger the ability to use the BlogOhBlog v2 theme.
This theme, however, comes with a graphic header. I can edit the Photoshop file that came with the theme, but I'd rather make it easy for any other blogger by switching to a text-only header.
Here is the code from the header.php file, which seems standard:
<div id="header">
<h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
<p class="desc"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></p>
This is the code from the stylesheet:
#box{width:945px;background:#fff;margin:20px auto;padding:10px;}
#top{width:945px;background:#000 url(i/topbck.gif) repeat-x;height:80px;margin:0;padding:0;}
#header{float:left;width:440px;margin:0 0 0 10px;padding:0;}
#header h1{text-indent:-10000px;margin:0;padding:0;}
#header h1 a{display:block;background:url(i/logo.gif) no-repeat left;height:51px;}
p.desc {float:left;margin:5px 0 0 0;padding:0;color:#fff; }
.ads{color:#fdfdb0;float:right;width:468px;text-align:right;font-size:11px;margin:10px auto;padding:0 10px 0 0;}
#jubow{background:#f3f2ed;height:30px;margin:10px auto; width:505px; float:left; position:inherit;}'
Any advice would be much appreciated.