i want to install wordpress mu before this wordpress also installed on my local system using wamp i created a database withname mu and begin the instalation the same unziped folder which i get form the WPMU site after filling my information on the form i click submit it shows
Installation Finished!
Your WordPress ยต site has been configured.
You can log in
when i click on the login button it give a error 500 internal server error
and inmy php error log i found the following information
PHP Notice: Constant DB_NAME already defined in C:\wamp\www\mu\wp-config.php on line 23
PHP Notice: Constant DB_USER already defined in C:\wamp\www\mu\wp-config.php on line 26
PHP Notice: Constant DB_PASSWORD already defined in C:\wamp\www\mu\wp-config.php on line 29
PHP Notice: Constant DB_HOST already defined in C:\wamp\www\mu\wp-config.php on line 32
PHP Notice: Constant VHOST already defined in C:\wamp\www\mu\wp-config.php on line 39
WordPress database error Table 'mu.wp_blogs' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_blogs WHERE domain = '' AND path = '/mu/' made by require, include, include_once, require_once, require_once
WordPress database error Table 'mu.wp_sitemeta' doesn't exist for query SELECT meta_value FROM wp_sitemeta WHERE site_id = 1 AND meta_key = 'site_name' made by require, include, include_once, require_once, require_once, get_current_site_name
WordPress database error Table 'mu.wp_blogs' doesn't exist for query SELECT blog_id FROM wp_blogs LIMIT 0,1 made by require, include, include_once, require_once, require_once
WordPress database error Table 'mu.wp_sitemeta' doesn't exist for query SELECT meta_value FROM wp_sitemeta WHERE meta_key = 'wpmu_sitewide_plugins' AND site_id = 1 made by require, include, include_once, require_once, get_site_option
can anyone helpme to get out of this plz give some detailed information