Well I was bored today so I've been coding.
Although there are lots of clients to allow posting to your blog with out using the web back end sometimes there will be cases where you'd rather not do that for security reasons (for example accessing it from an internet cafe)
WPMU "supports" a post by email but it involves going out to different pop3 email boxes to get the posts.
I've written a new version which uses a local virtual domain and a single pop3 box.
So the user emails theirblogname@some.domain.here which ends up in a pop3 mail box on a server somewhere (preferably the same server as WPMU)
My process then opens that pop3 account and reads each email in turn.
It will only post if the sender email ID matches the username it is associated with (from the user table).
users can specify some "options" in the email:
wppbm-tags: comma separated list of tags for this post
wppbm-status: publish [default] | draft | pending
wppbm-type: post [default] | page
wppbm-comments: open [default] | closed
It currently accepts basic html marked up (bold, italic, underline) messages (either manually coded or from the rich text editor in google mail). Yahoo marks its html messages up differently so its not working if you try to use their Rich Text Editor.
Things that need adding are:
A PID field (so that people can't just "fake" the sender email address).
Ability to support posting to different blogs (rather than just primary).
Ability to support posting from more than one email account.
To use this modification (one single file which you need to drop into the ROOT of your WPMU install) you have to be able to edit your postfix server configuration.
I've only tested this on Linux so you've been warned.
This is the first pass at it and I'm wondering if anyone is interested in it?
If people are then I'll wrap the code up and put a post up at my blog with details on how to configure it.