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Enable 3 letter user name and deleting admin user from blog (6 posts)

  1. nonegiven
    Posted 14 years ago #


    two quick questions, I searched and googled but to no answers:

    • how can I enable allowing a 3 letter user name for wpmu?

    Or, if it is some security features, allow it only for myself?

    I have tried hacking my way across phpmyadmin to do it but I appear to be missing something unless there is a simple command to do so.

    • How to deleting the admin user from a blog.

    I manually made a bog for a user, I want to remove the admin user from being the #1 administrator user. Is it possible?


  2. DeannaS
    Posted 14 years ago #

    1. If you go to site admin -> users and create a user, you can create one with a 3 letter username. (I just created a "joe" user to be sure.)

    2. Go to site admin -> blogs. Find the blog you want to tinker with. Click "edit." Find the section where it lists users. Add a user as a blog administrator. Log out as site admin. Log in as new blog administrator. Delete site admin from blog. (You can't delete yourself from a blog.)

  3. nonegiven
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Thanks ... I was looking not to make a 3 letter user but a 3 letter blog name, eg

    I see that I can do it via Site Admin, and then add the same name as a user, as you wrote, but new users cannot do so via the web interface. It asks for 4 characters.

    I was wondering how I could allow new users to do so, or at least understand why the limitation to 4 characters was set? (I suspect it is a simple hack in the code somewhere, '4' to '3').

    Thanks for the clarification of not being able to delete yourself from a blog. Also a strange rigidity to me, eg ... self-deletion could be allowed leading to an automatic logging out.

    As is, one has to make a new admin user, log in as it, delete original admin user, log out, log in as original admin, delete second admin user.

  4. DeannaS
    Posted 14 years ago #

    It's in wpmu-functions.php, on line 980. The hacking (bad) way to do it would be to just change it there. The good way to do it would be to use this filter:


    to modify the error object and remove the error you don't want. Read about how to write a plugin that uses filters here:

  5. nonegiven
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Thank you ... I'll go do my homework.

    Just as an aside, any idea why the 4 letter rule was adopted?


  6. DeannaS
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I'm not sure why it was adopted. I know that there was a big thread recently about IE having issues dealing with 2 letter domain names. It could be a leftover from before they implemented the list of disallowed names. But, that's just totally a guess.

About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by nonegiven
  • Latest reply from DeannaS