To build a vloggerMU site I need a killer video plugin. I found a couple, I like this one;
However I get it to work but after a while the whole blog breaks and gives me this;
Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects nor string offsets in ...../public_html/wp-content/plugins/podpress/podpress_class.php on line 109
I have no clue whats going on.
Anybody has a MU video plugin that works? (multiple video formats) ?
Posted 18 years ago #
Podpress doesnt work. The founder of Mightyseek has been working on getting it compatible with MU. Dont know what is the status, but if u get it to work, let us know.
For video, try Anarchy. Do a search...
I'm trying the latest version of podPress. It installed. I haven't been able to upload an mp3 all of mine are too big. I'll give it a test.
Posted 18 years ago #
kahless: let us know ya? thanks!
I'm using the Wp-ExtremeVideo plugin and it worked fine out of the box. I even hacked it to tie the URL of the YouTube videos to a download site. I'd point you to it but it appears that my site is currently down.
I hate not hosting my own site. *sigh*
Posted 18 years ago #
Relax drmike, when it's up you can still point us to it. Thanks.
I'd rather have my sites up though. I run my support tickets through them from my hosting. It's not a fun day over here, especially since I've yet to hear from them.
Anyway, while we're all waiting, you can grap the soruce code for the plugin from here. Once I get my site up and running, it's just a matter of replacing the plugin since I just added a couple of lines.
The sourcecode is back online thanks to a Google cache of it.
Do note that the updated downloader code won't be until I my old files from my previous host. He's currently talking that it will be at least a week (*grumble*) although I'll have the downloader online later on. You just won't be able to click the Download link and be able to do it until I get my old files.
Does this still work with google video? I'm having a bizarre problem where I can't find the incredibly long link that WP Extreme needs from google to embed its videos.
The link I get from google is always the "<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""> </embed>"
when I'm looking for something more similar to this:
(gv data=”
Podpress plugin has been adapted and it works !!
Posted 17 years ago #
I just tried installing Podpress in a Wordpress MU without success. Can someone tell me how they've gotten it to work?
AMP will cover pretty much all your needs guaranteed -
> I just tried installing Podpress in a Wordpress MU without success. Can someone tell me how they've gotten it to work?
We removed the ".7.7" from the folder name (so that the folder name in the plugins folder was simply "podpress" and presto! It worked!
plugin for Podcasters using WordPress.
I have installed this on WordPress MU and there doesn’t seem to be any problems.
Seems to work straight out of the
You can download from the following link
I would like embed videos into our blogpost - are there any solution how can do this? I tried the anarchy player, but not working without code hack...