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Admin doesn't work after server change (2 posts)

  1. asipahio
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have recently changed servers. So I just downloaded every file from my old server and then uploaded them just the way they are to my new server. Now I can't login to my admin area in IE and Chrome but works in Firefox. Couldn't test in Safari. And also in firefox some redirections in firefox doesn't work either like when i update a post or activate/deactivate a plugin it doesnt redirect back.

    My database changed but i exported and dumped the whole database into the new one. So that shouldn't be the issue. Also nameserver changed but I don't see the relevance of it but who knows.

    So I can't find why it isn't working in IE but works in firefox.


  2. asipahio
    Posted 15 years ago #


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by asipahio
  • Latest reply from asipahio