This is in regards to Statpress Reloaded or Statpress Seolution, either one.
Does anybody have any personal experience with deploying this on an MU site with 100+ blogs?
I'm nearing launch on a project, and while I was stoked about deploying it as the statistics plugin for the project, I'm starting to get a little worried about it's potential for bringing things to a standstill.
I've worked with a few clients now who have had some bad experiences with it taking their standalone installations to a crawl - albeit one had a ridiculous 35+ plugins installed in addition to it, to the point where it wouldn't even bring up the options page...
I'd love to hear about personal experience with either of these plugins. I have a feeling that it's a drag on the database mainly due to the fact that it doesn't archive entries older than a few weeks (which you can't see data on anyways, and should be reduced to a single row, imho, to maintain site totals).