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Can you move WPMU from one directory to another? and How? (11 posts)

  1. TruSktr
    Posted 15 years ago #

    How can this be done?


    move WPMU in its entirety

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    rename the folder on the server, and then rename all occurrences in the database & wp-config (if needed).

    in a nutshell, anyway.

    If it's all on the same server, there's no need to physically move files around.

  3. tobyadams
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I am in the process of doing something similar, going from:


    From what I have read, I should run this query:

    EXEC SearchAndReplace '/wpmu', '/blogs'

    Am I correct this will replace all instances? Then changing the directory itself along with modifying the wp-config file should see the change through?

    Plan B was to wait for WP 3.0 and see if there was a simple solution to do this with a nice pretty front end like there is in WP at the moment. I understand that it is missing at the moment as WPMU 2.X is designed to run in a site root, do I have this correct?

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    The confusions stems from people trying to install MU in a folder and have it *look* like it runs off the root. that you can't do.

    You can otherwise run MU from the root or a folder or a subdomain.

    Plan B was to wait for WP 3.0 and see if there was a simple solution to do this with a nice pretty front end like there is in WP at the moment.

    Nope. Not in 3.0. The userblogs & extra network tables store the URL.

  5. tobyadams
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Okay, so;

    From what I have read, I should run this query:

    EXEC SearchAndReplace '/wpmu', '/blogs'

    Am I correct this will replace all instances? Then changing the directory itself along with modifying the wp-config file should see the change through?

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I don't even know what that query is run from.

    the things you want to change are in the *database*. not files (excpet, as noted, wp-config.php).

    You need a sql statement, and frankly what most of us do is a database dump, then do a search & replace on that, then re-import.

  7. tdjcbe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    The sql commend you're looking at is for MSSQL, not MySQL.

    Depends on your interface, both hosting and if you have phpmyadmin, this should get you started:

  8. tobyadams
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have found a brilliant tool for find and replace across all tables in a MySQL database:

    Preparing to do this this afternoon.

  9. tobyadams
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have just done my migration, one other note to anyone else trying this; there is another replacement that needs to be done on the first line of the .htaccess file :-)

  10. allreviews
    Posted 14 years ago #

    We have wordpress MU installed in our root and need to move it to a subfolder so we can run our Joomla from the root. Do we have to move the files or can we rename the Public_html folder to the new subfolder name for wordpress and then recreate a new public_html?

  11. nanwpmu
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have just done my migration, one other note to anyone else trying this; there is another replacement that needs to be done on the first line of the .htaccess file :-)

    What is the replacements that need to be done on the first line of .htaccess file. Im trying to do the same thing.

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