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fresh 'install' admin page it's giving me is bunk (2 posts)

  1. fotway
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Ok, so just installed by FTPing to host then going to wpmu folder, following instructions on first page, enter in info, then click install and almost instatnly comes back and say "congratulations installed" and it gives me a password to log in. So now when I log in I get a screen that looks like this:

    Index of /wpmu/wp-admin

    * Parent Directory
    * admin-ajax.php
    * admin-footer.php
    * admin-functions.php
    * admin-header.php
    * admin-post.php
    * admin.php
    * async-upload.php
    * categories.php
    * comment.php
    * css/
    * custom-header.php
    * edit-attachment-rows.php
    * edit-category-form.php
    * edit-comments.php
    * edit-form-advanced.php
    * edit-form-comment.php
    * edit-link-categories.php
    * edit-link-category-form.php
    * edit-link-form.php
    * edit-page-form.php
    * edit-pages.php
    * edit-post-rows.php
    * edit-tag-form.php
    * edit-tags.php
    * edit.php
    * export.php
    * gears-manifest.php
    * images/
    * import.php
    * import/
    * includes/

    Any idea why I'm not getting my proper administration page here?

    Gratitude for help.

  2. fotway
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm deleting the whole thing and trying it over... maybe I missed a setting... will be back if I still have problems!

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