I'm pretty new to WPMU (and WordPress in general!) and have only been using it a day or so.
I'm looking to add a blog index to my WPMU powered site - so users can quickly find the blogs they're interested in. Is this a simple thing to do? Really, all it needs to be for now is a simple one-page effort listing all of the blogs - that might change as things get busier but will do the job for now.
Thanks :)
Another quick newbie question - I've set up a page called blogindex.php in the home theme folder. What would be the URL to display it?
I don't think the theme folders are directly accessable. Just the blogs.dir subdirectory.
Hrm - I'm probably not explaining it too well!
I don't really want all of the blogs listed on the front page, but rather a subpage - I thought it'd be a case of adding a new page to the theme and then somehow linking to it?
E.g. I'd like http://filmjournal.net to have a link saying something like 'Film Journal Index' and then that going to another page that has a list of all of the blogs.
That plugin uses function calls to generate the list. Best bet would be to create a new Page Template for that function call. Then you would just create a new Page for your host blog using that page template.
Gotcha :)
Except - I just hit another problem. Due to DNS issues I have had to set up so that blogs take the form of http://filmjournal.net/blogname/
Therefore if I try to access any page eg http://filmjournal.net/about/, it tries to create a new blog of that name instead. Any ideas on how to get around this?
I would think that it would be http://filmjournal.net/blog/about/ in case of a Page added into your main blog. Much like how your main blog does it's posts.
Have you created this Page at Dashboard -> Write -> Write Page?
Yep - I've created the page. However I get a 404 error when trying to navigate to it:
On that 404 page you can see it's listed over there on the right.
Getting there slowly. I've found the page here (not using the fancy URLs!):
However, it's not quite working as I expected - I'm just getting a list of 50-odd links to the main site rather than each individual journal!
Any ideas?
This thread should help you out with the list-all plugin screwing up. :)
Thanks - I just hacked it apart a bit and have it working. Although my fix isn't very efficient ;) I'll go take a look at that thread now.
Thanks to drmike and andrew for helping out here :)
Upgrading to RC4 and reverting to the unedited code fixed this :)
Thanks for all your help guys.
OK, who's got the cookies this time. :)