Posted 15 years ago #
Hi, we are moving our platform from Movable Type to WordPress MU.
We're having a problem with our feeds. For instance, if you'd go to ourdomain.com/feed/ on WordPress it is automatically redirecting you to ourdomain.com/rss.xml -- the Movable Type feed.
Is there a setting in WP that I'm missing?
Also, I've looked into the htaccess file. Is there a snippet of code I can put in there to keep it on WordPress?
It sounds like there might be a holdover setting from Movable Type causing this. Is the .htaccess identical to the htaccess.dist file included with WPMU?
Did you have any special setup for Movable Type to redirection ourdomain.com/feed/ to ourdomain.com/rss.xml?
Posted 15 years ago #
Looks like they are identical, yes.
I was told that the previous web admin may have had a redirect setup for MT that had all feeds moving to rss.xml but I've found no evidence to back that up.
Is there a way to override that with some code or anything? I've exhausted all my ideas so any insight you or anyone else has is greatly appreciated.
I don't know of any code that would help. The major problem is that you already have a redirect going. If you set up another one, you'll just cause an infinite loop (as the code that is working now would redirect to your code, which would go back to the old code, and here we are in a loop).
I'm assuming you've checked the .htaccess for any code doing this. Is it possible there is something in the Apache configuration files or such?
Posted 15 years ago #
I've checked the .htaccess and don't see anything that would be sending things to the rss.xml. I will keep poking around, though.
Know of any specific thing I should look for in the configuration files? I'll take a look there, too.
I'm honestly stumped. Usually something like that will be implemented in a .htaccess file.
Out of curiosity, is there a /feed/
subfolder on your Web server with a .htaccess file in it?
Posted 15 years ago #
No, not that I'm seeing.
Join the club. I've been trying to crack this for a few days now. And we've had a few people look at the htaccess and see nothing that would be directing rss.xml stuff.
Is there any chance there's another htaccess file somewhere that we're missing?
It's possible. .htaccess files are usually inherited (I think), unless there's one in the current folder that overrides the inheritance. I'd also check Apache's httpd.conf and any files in the sites-available directory under Apache to see if something's going on in any of those.
I'd be tempted to grep half the server at this point. :D