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Can't configure widgets (5 posts)

  1. kahless
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I am on the most recent svn release with vhosts. I added some widgets and suddenly I can't configure the individual widgets. I can rearrange them and add and remove them just not configure them. Could one of the added widgets be causing this? I've tried Safari, Camino, and Firefox with no success. I am going to remove all the ones I added and add back one at a time. I'll post if one breaks things.

  2. kahless
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Removed all the widgets I added and still can't configure. Any suggestions? What could have caused this?

  3. kahless
    Posted 18 years ago #

    It appears to only be on the admin blog that is having problems. I tried to access a different blog with the same browsers and was able to configure the widgets. I don't think it is a caching issue because I had never logged in to the site with two of the browsers.

  4. blog247
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I had this same problem. I upgraded to RC3 and this fixed the problem for me. What I can tell you from searching the net is that if you make any custom changes to the Admin template this could affect the working of the Widgets.

    In my case I made a modification to the admin template file and also used custom RSS feeds for my users. While I couldn't be a 100% sure my custom feeds were not loading in the Admin interface so I think this was breaking my Widget customisation.

    Try revert to the original files if you changed any and also don't use custom RSS feeds. Let me know if it works.

  5. kahless
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I haven't made any mods to the admin template, but I was using the Podpress plugin(doesn't work) and it added stuff to admin area. I deleted it and that may be when the widgets stopped. Other blog I tried didn't have Podpress enabled.

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