I've just switched from Nucleus CMS after three years to Wordpress.
The installation seems to have gone OK, apart from this database error when I create a new blog:
WordPress database error: [Table 'mydatabase.wp_2_options' doesn't exist]
SELECT option_value FROM wp_2_options WHERE option_name = 'blogname' LIMIT 1WordPress database error: [Table 'mydatabase.wp_2_options' doesn't exist]
SELECT option_value FROM wp_2_options WHERE option_name = 'siteurl' LIMIT 1WordPress database error: [Table 'mydatabase.wp_2_options' doesn't exist]
SELECT option_value FROM wp_2_options WHERE option_name = 'post_count' LIMIT 1
I think I saw the same database error after install, but with wp1_options. The second blog I tried to create had this error with wp_3_options, etc.
There are tables named wp_1_options etc. in mydatabase now and the created blogs seem to work fine.
What's going on? How can I get rid of the ugly error messages?