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Modify Custom Write Panels Plugin For WPMU (2 posts)

  1. ljmyers
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi all,

    I am using wpmu 2.8.4 and really need a plugin such as Custom Write Panels found here. I created a file using the code provided on the linked page and ftp'd via filezilla. Here is the catch. Assuming d/t something I read on the page that the plugin could be uploaded into the mu-plugins directory, I did so. I had it working for a short while but then it simply quit and I can not figure out why. After talking with Spencer (the author), I learned that the plugin was for wp and not wpmu. He looked at my edited version of the code and found no issues. At his suggestion, I uploaded the new file to the plugins directory and I activated sitewide using both the plugins page option and the Plugin Manager plugin. It seems that no matter what I try or where I store the file, it gives me nothing on the write post page as it should. I am wondering if there is code that could be added or edited a bit to modify this plugin for wpmu. If anyone has any ideas, I am all ears because I can't find anything else that will accomplish what this does in the way that it does. For example, having the fields auto created in the write page for all blogs. It just makes it easier for those users less tech minded. I'm sure Spencer would be interested as well "for his tutorial" as he has told me that he doesn't know much about wpmu.

  2. ljmyers
    Posted 15 years ago #

    For future reference I found this . . . Add Dynamic Meta Boxes

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