1.) Can I set my wpmu to make it so users are subscribed to all blogs by default upon registration?
2.) Similarly, if I ever choose to add a new blog to my wpmu, can I make it so all current users are automatically subscribed to it?
3.) I seem to recall a way to post to a blog from a mobile phone in regular wordpress (though my memory may be wrong!). I can't find the settings for that in wpmu though. Has that feature been lost in wpmu, and if so, is there a plugin that can handle it?
4.) What do the "public" and "archived" check boxes mean in "Blog Info (wp_blogs)" when editing a blog in the Site Admin panel? (And what is "Blog Upload Space Quota"?)
5.) Finally... "Blog Options (wp_2_options)"? What IS all of that? Is there a page somewhere that goes down that list of fields and spells out what they are for? Some of them I THINK I understand, but they appear to be contradicting the settings that I select elsewhere -- such as "Users Can Register" having a value of 0, which I assume holds a value of false, even though I have selected in Site Options for registration to be allowed under the condition that "only user accounts can be created". Not to mention that there are three different fields of that same name "Users Can Register". The rest of the pages in wpmu were pretty easy to figure out, but I still feel so helpless in the face of this Blog Options page... :/