The weirdest thing happened to me last night.
I have wpmu installed into my root directory, and last night my site was up and running, working perfectly. However my "main blog" I don't use, for uniformity's sake, preferring instead to have all blogs on sub-domains. Since this was my preference, I had built a custom home page and wanted users to be redirected to it whenever they were directed to the main blog's index.php. So I hopped onto Godaddy's site, logged into my hosting account, and visited the Site Redirects page. When I got to this page it was my first time ever checking it out, but there were already two redirects set up.
First one...
Redirect From: This is left blank.
WWW prefix: Only with
Redirect To: ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*.php)$
Type: Temporary (302)
Contents: Root redirect
Second one...
Redirect From: This is left blank.
WWW prefix: Only with
Redirect To: ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*)
Type: Temporary (302)
Contents: Root redirect
Like I said, I'd never used Godaddy's Site Redirects page before, so I assume that these were automatically set up by my wpmu install. Anyway, I went ahead and added my redirect...
Redirect From:
WWW prefix: With or Without
Redirect To:
Type: Permanent (301)
After adding this redirect, I went to test it by trying to visit That's when I started getting this error...
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
The URL made visible in my broswer was:^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*)
So naturally, I immediately went back and deleted that new redirect that I had just added. I figured that by deleting the redirect, I'd essentially be hitting the undo button because that redirect was the only thing I'd altered since my site was working. However, after deleting that one redirect, the problem persists.
Because the URL seems to indicate that the two other redirects may be involved, I tried deleting them to see if anything would happen. However, whenever I delete/change them via the Godaddy Site Redirects page, they instantly revert to being there in there original state again. There's no touching them.
I tried e-mailing Godaddy about this, claiming that my website was working fine until I used their tool. After all, as far as I can tell, deleting the redirect that I had put into effect should have put things right back how they were, and it didn't. The problem didn't exist before I used their tool. However, the reply that I got from Godaddy states...
It appears you are attempting to utilize some sort of redirect, or mod_rewrite, but they have not been implimented properly. Unfortunately, we are very limited in the support we can offer for customer-written/third-party code or scripts such as this. If there is evidence that our system is responsible for the error, please forward it to us, and we would be happy to look into the matter further. But at the moment this does not yet appear to be the case, so we regret we can not currently assist you with this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
So I turn to you, trusty wpmu forum friends. Any idea what may be the issue here?
Some more details I can think of off the top of my head...
- Using Godaddy's Linux hosting
- They appear to have my hosting account running Apache 1.3
- Site URL is, with wpmu in the root directory
- The error is crippling the entire domain. Even trying to access .jpg files that are in folders unrelated to wpmu results in this error.
- I may be a noob, but as far as I can tell my wp-config file looks ok.
- I'd post the contents of my .htaccess file because it appears to be relevant to this issue, but I saw a dude get virtually slapped for doing it in another thread on here somewhere, and he ended up just being pointed to the wpmu debugging page to essentially think about the wrong that he had done haha. The page basically said at one point, "don't post the contents of your .htaccess file -- we have it too, so you'll just be wasting our time." If you need to see it though, just let me know.
- I'd post links to text versions of my files, but... that's not going to work because this error would prevent you from accessing them. I would post them directly here on the forum if the debug page hadn't said that it was discouraged due to the potential of code being stripped. If you need to see something and you can think of an alternative way for me to get them online other than through my site, please let me know how, and let me know which files to make available. I'll be more than happy to do whatever it takes to get the assistance that you guys have to offer. :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks s'more if you take the time to reply!