Got it installed...thanks, Andrea. Now, two things:
1) I was trying to enable plugins and changed user name from admin. I then lost the Site Admin from my dashboard. How do I get it back?
2) Did a test run on new blog and got that damn 404 page.
What can I do to fix these?
1. In the original admin account, go to Site Admin -> Options and look for a field where it asks for usernames who are allowed to be Site Admins. Put your new username there and update the options.
2. 404 page usually means a DNS or Apache problem. What kind of install did you do (subdomains or subdirectory)?
That's the thing. I am logging in thru the admin account. I was trying to change admin to my username, and that's when the Site Admin area disappeared. I set up a wildcard DNS with the *. The install was for subdomains. Do I have to re-install this thing, or is there a way I can get Site Admin back?
If you log into your user account that you changed the site admin to, what happens?
If you removed the admin account and/or messed with it in the database, you're probably going to have to reinstall.
You can actually fix it in the database. The thing to remember for next time, is to add the username to Site Admin -> Options *before* doing anything else.
Since you just change the admin username, go in the db, find it, change it back to admin. Then you can get in.