I'm using the Sitewide Tags plugin and it's working, but I'm wondering if there's a way to create a category in the main blog and have it appear in the sub-blogs. E.g., I create a category called "Parties" in the home blog, and sub-blog users see that in their Categories menu even if they haven't already written a post with that category.
Is that possible?
It's not out of the box. I think someone else may have written a plugin for sitewide categories...but I'm not sure.
Possible yes, I just can't remember where the code (if any) was...
One would think it was in core since all sites seem to share the same table for categories.
Posted 15 years ago #
josh, do you want every category in every site copied to every other site?
With the sitewide tags plugin, all post categories from all blogs are copied into your "tags blog" which most people typically set to be their home blog. So if you had a plugin that pushed all the home blog categories to all sub-blogs, then all sub-blogs would end up with ALL the same categories.
That would definitely be a glitch. :)
Ideally, you'd create the cats you wanted ahead of time, & then add them to a new blog on creation.
That would actually be perfect for my particular project, which has a small number of centrally managed blogs with similar content. But I see how that would be a bad idea with a bigger site.
Thanks all!!
You can actually do this with the Multi-post plugin from Hungry Media. Allows you to post one post to multiple blogs, but it moves the categories with it. New Defaults is the only other one.
As for subcategory capabilities I am not sure, but when you post with a category and pick all the blogs, if the category isn't in the blog, it will be.
where is this multi-post plugin?