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WordPress MU 1.0, release candidate 4 (29 posts)

  1. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    WPMU Version 1, Release Candidate 4 is out now!

    If you want to grab Release Candidate 4 of WordPress MU it can be downloaded directly from SVN using the following:

    svn export

    This was tagged at revision 679.

    or downloaded from the nightly builds page at

    If submitting bug reports, please be sure to mark them as milestone "WPMU 1.0" and mention RC4 in the text of the bug.

    Please read the following if you're having problems:

  2. febwa1976
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ho Hum - all of a sudden SVN does not accept my wordpress ID and password?

  3. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That was fast donncha!! :) Didn't even get a chance to get at release 3. Lolx...

  4. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    There was a RC3? :D

  5. Toucouleur
    Posted 18 years ago #

    donncha, when the logout's bug is planned to be solved ? cf. =>

    Mike => ;)

  6. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Logout? Bug #61 is about a caching issue that has been fixed for a few days.

  7. ColinFilmJournal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ignore me! - permissions problem.

    RC4 seems to be working well now.

  8. Toucouleur
    Posted 18 years ago #

    donncha, It's still a problem here (I will upload my work before the end of this week).

    Users can't logout until they remove their cookies :|

    I checked all the #61 but it seems there is still a little trouble on it.

  9. Toucouleur
    Posted 18 years ago #

    donncha another bug reagring the theme manager.

    You can't browse anymore themes which are in the theme directory ;)

    I just checked Trac and didn't found related item to this problem.

    It works on RC2, not anymore on RC4

  10. XIII
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You did set them to active? That didn't do anything yet in RC2 but was fixed in RC3, effectively disabling all themes.

  11. amanzi
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I upgraded to RC4 last night and all of the themese are showing up correctly. In fact, I have yet to find a problem!

  12. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I see mine fine as well but I'm cutting and pasting out of the trac.

  13. Toucouleur
    Posted 18 years ago #

    you're right XIII, in fact before RC2, it was because theme could have been active or intactive, I was able to see them. I made change in the database and everything works well.

    Sorry to have bother you :|

  14. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Toucouleur - can you debug the wp_setcookie() function? Are the domain and path correct for your site? Use error_log() to send the information to a file.

  15. Toucouleur
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ok Donncha,

    yes I think everything is correct regarding COOKIEPATH on the wp_setcookie() function

    define('COOKIEPATH', preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', get_settings('home') . '/' ) );

    the problem is whenever i logout from this exemple

    You can see I logout, but my cookie are still filled. They should be empty due to the call of wp_clearcookie()'s function.

    I force the logout to work with "action=force_logout" =>

    case 'logout':

    $redirect_to = 'wp-login.php?action=force_logout';
    if ( isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) )
    $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to'];




    if( $_POST ) {
    $user_login = $_POST['log'];
    $user_login = sanitize_user( $user_login );
    $user_pass = $_POST['pwd'];
    $rememberme = $_POST['rememberme'];
    // } else {
    } elseif ($action <> 'force_logout') {
    $cookie_login = wp_get_cookie_login();
    if ( ! empty($cookie_login) ) {
    $using_cookie = true;
    $user_login = $cookie_login['login'];
    $user_pass = $cookie_login['password'];

    I just added } elseif ($action <> 'force_logout') {

    but in fact It still doesn't clear the cookie.

    Well let it like that for the moment, cause I'm still working on my localhost and vhost, maybe it's a problem, But I often use cookie management, and that's the first time ever I get trouble on cookie path.

  16. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    localhost? Are you using localhost as your domain?
    Did you error_log() the variables being sent to set_cookie() ? The paths should match the cookies in your browser.

  17. stutley
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm just curious - how many RCs are "planned" before version 1 is out? ;)

  18. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    With each one we find more bugs, and version 1 isn't going to come out before the next release of WordPress so it's dependent on that too.

    More users download and try the RCs than download the nightly snapshots so they serve a very real purpose in testing.

  19. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    More users download and try the RCs than download the nightly snapshots so they serve a very real purpose in testing.

    That's more probably because it's first on the download page. It's one of the reasons why I suggested tagging the RC so we could see which was more up to date.

  20. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Just upgraded to RC4 this morning from a build waaaay back in Feb. New blogs have BASE added to every link. YES, I took BASE out of the htaccess and followed all instructions.

    For now, I'm gonna go search the db, but if anyone wants to point me somewhere that's be helful.

  21. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    andrea_r - the format of the wp_blog db table changed in the last month which is why you're seeing this. You're using sub directories?

    ssoriche found something similar and reported it here:

    Can you check wp-config.php for me? the $base variable should be set to whatever your base is.

  22. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    drmike - In each announcement since you suggested tagging the release I've included the revision number.
    Anyway, the nightly releases will always be the most up to date, except on the day the RC is made, and that's listed on the download page and of course on the announcement!

  23. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    GAH. Now I feel stupid... $base should be "/" but indeed has "BASE" in it.

    Thanks for helping me narrow it down. :) (got up way too early this morning)

  24. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    andrea_r - I aught to put a check in wp-config for that to avoid those errors! Glad that it's not something more serious!

  25. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Donncha, I agree. It's a big help. Thanks by the way. I was just saying that as one of the reasons why I suggested it. :)

    Admin is still not getting emails upon new blog setup though. :(

  26. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I got an admin email for a blog *I* set up thru the backend, but not for when a user set one up. Maybe something's switched around somewhere.

  27. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I get the self setup blog email as well but that was a feature I had suggested.

  28. tstrokes
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Well I tried upgrading a feburary build to wpmu 1.0 rc4.
    I followed the pre-rc4 directions and they didn't work for me. I tried it on two of my boxes fedora core 4 and fedora core 5. I was confronted with the same result a blank page.
    I found that it was easier to backup the blog.dir directory, and any file that changed. I kept the database intact. (If using subdirs change the wp_blogs table so the all paths include a trailing / as suggested in the ticket #85). I deleted everything else and started over. The install worked fine.
    All existing blogs worked after I upgraded them.

    Note Subdirs:
    I changed two files to make it more convenient or user friendly.
    wp-admin/wpmu-blogs.php -
    print "<a href='http://{$details[ 'domain' ]}{$details[ 'path' ]}'>http://{$details[ 'domain' ]}{$details[ 'path' ]}</a>";
    wp-signup.php -
    <em>The blog you were looking for, <strong>http://<?php echo $current_site->domain ?>/<?php echo $blog_id ?></strong> doesn't exist but you can create it now!</em>

  29. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'd backup the entire wp-content subdirectory myself.

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