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Registration Emails Not Coming Through? (4 posts)

  1. Mrs P
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hi everyone,

    Please forgive my ignorance, I am sure this is a straight forward thing, but I am new to Wordpress!

    I just installed it today on a subdomain on my server, and the admin part runs well. However, I have created a control acount through which to test the user options, and desite creating it a few hours ago, I still have not received a confirmation email with a password.

    Do I have to change some settings?

    Please make your replies 'idiot-proof'; I am blundering through this php stuff here!!

    Mrs P

  2. tmoorewp
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Are you running your own server or are you on a hosting account? It may be that your server is not set up to allow PHP -- and therefore, WordPress -- to send email.

    Did you receive an email when you first set up WordPress?

  3. Mrs P
    Posted 14 years ago #

    It's hosted.

    I have gotten around it by unchecking the box for admin activation; they now user activate with an email link only.

    Thanks for your reply!

  4. judob0y
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have more or less the same problem... but i'm hosting it myself
    how do i get to set it up to allow emails to be sent through?


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