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Upgrade 2.6 - wont work (2 posts)

  1. tobbe_l
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Im trying to upgrade wpmu från 2.6 to and having problems with it.

    Ive followed the instructions (2.6 to 2.7. Seems to be the same as for, right?)

    After upgrading I can log in too site-admin. But running the Upgrade sites doesnt work. It runs for a while and then shows two rows with titles of two of my 20 blogs. Then it stops. Neither theese two blogs or any of the other works after this procedure.

    Thanks for quick help on this one. We're kind of offline right now.

  2. tobbe_l
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Me again: and I found the problem. And of course it was a human error: I copied two files to the wrong directory!

    RTFM ;-)

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