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An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request. (11 posts)

  1. chargertech
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I started getting this error a few days ago. I updated from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5 and still it happens.

    90% of the time when I click on any of the links in the admin area (pages, posts, plugins, etc.) I get this error. I can keep hitting try again, usually it doesn't work. If I click visit site and then come back into the backend it seems to work 50% of the time. There is only one blog in the install. I haven't installed anything new before this started happening. It was fine for a month without any new plugins or anything.

  2. tmoorewp
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Have you gone all the way up to 2.8.2? Donncha did a couple of point releases pretty quickly after 2.8.5 came out to squash some bugs.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago # you mean. :D

  4. tmoorewp
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Yeah, number's too long... :P

  5. chargertech
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I updated this morning, what ever version that was.

  6. tmoorewp
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Just to be sure, can you go through and deactivate all your plugins and see if that helps? I haven't been able to replicate the problem on my end yet.

  7. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I suspect it must be a plugin interaction as no-one else has reported anything like that.

  8. mcthemes
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Same problem here!(An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request.Try again)

  9. thewebcoach
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Argh! Me too!


    I disabled all 10 of my plugins and was able to get to the wp "plugins" area again.

    My guess is that one of my plugins is causing chaos.

    I have installed:

    Custom Forms For Accounts
    DISQUS Comment System
    jQuery Lightbox
    Thesis OpenHook Stats
    WP Super Cache

    Follow me, stats and jQuery lightbox were the last ones installed.

    I also noticed my site was really slow to load. Activating each one by one to isolate possible cause.

  10. thewebcoach
    Posted 15 years ago #


    It appears the culprit is Disqus comment system. At least for me.

  11. extesy
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have the same problem with, started about week ago. I have removed all plugins (physically moved plugins and mu-plugins folders to different directory), but that didn't help. I've tried increasing timeout in wp-includes/http.php but it just makes WP wait longer before returning the same error. Please help!

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by chargertech
  • Latest reply from extesy