I see this is wp_meta update_plugins
Is this field that stores the state of a plugin ?
What's above mean, where is the documentation ?
Yeah, it stores the state of if it was checked, when it was last checked and the response.
It does not actually change the plugin. If you change values in the db to mark it as updated it does absolutely nothing to the plugin files themselves.
If the backend plugin updater is not working, update them manually. Via ftp.
Oops I made a mistake in my question: I meant how to make a plugin ACTIVE rather than update it :)
If you want it active on new blogs, either use the "Activate sitewide" button or the Plugin Manager plugin.
The activated plugins are stored in the options tables of each blog. The meta_key is called, strangely enough, "active_plugins". The data looks something like this:
In this case, it means - here is an array, with 2 items in it. Item 0 is a string, 35 characters long, and the plugin file is "cets_fyi_banner/cets_fyi_banner.php..etc..
@DeannaS hi thanks, that's what I wanted.