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Demo Content for Demo blogs (2 posts)

  1. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I do demo blogs on my MU site, one for each theme that I have installed. I copied over the demo content from, deleted the multi page Post and added in a Post seeing how the theme would react to wrapping text around a picture.

    Grab it here if you want to do the same thing. It's an XML file that you can import. My information is in there but should be overridden upon importing. The importer will also ask you if you want to override the author as well.

    Grab the picture if you want as well. You'll have to edit the two links in the file if you do.


  2. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You will also have to manually edit the categories after importing:

    Test Post
    -Test Child 1 (Under Test Post)
    -Test Child 2 (Under Test Post)
    --Test Child 3 (Under Test Child 2)

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