Hello there,
I'm embarking on the fun task of integrating WPMU with an LDAP system at a client site. I noticed that there are several LDAP plugins available on the WordPress side, and I noticed that there are some forum threads about LDAP over here, but I couldn't discern from reading if there is a better or worse choice about which LDAP plugin to use.
Any advice? Particularly about stuff I should avoid?
Posted 14 years ago #
We've been using this one successfully.
Us too - it's essentially the base of how we offer LDAP to Edublogs Campus clients.
Although we are also thinking of developing something that can do CAS and AD too.
So yeh, http://sourceforge.net/projects/wpmu-ldap/ , highly recommended.
Posted 14 years ago #
We've modified ours to support AD and security groups and provided feedback to the author. He's planning on additional features such as mapping security groups to roles.
Thank you guys! I'll check it out and report back.