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Domain Mapping Plugin Updated (146 posts)

  1. kgraeme
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Double check your wp-config.php settings. In your subfolder situation Make sure vhost=on is commented out and sunrise is uncommented.

  2. kgraeme
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Of course I messed that up. I don't have andrea's photographic memory of the wp-config and htaccess.

    define('VHOST', 'no'); should be uncommented

  3. chyth
    Posted 14 years ago #

    It is uncommented - any other ideas?

  4. chyth
    Posted 14 years ago #

    It is uncommented - any other ideas?

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @kgraeme - hey, it's not like I can write it out verbatim (yet) ;P

    @chyth - could be because your MU is installed in a folder. It's not going to work unless your install is at the root of the main domain.

  6. wpmuguru
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @kgraeme - if you couldn't break it then it must be ready for release ;) Thanks for the time testing and reporting back :)

  7. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 14 years ago #

    chyth - unfortunately your MU site will need to be installed in the root of your server. It's a limitation of how Apache works, the fact that there's no .htaccess file in the root directory redirecting stuff to the wp/index.php (which might conflict with whatever you have in the root), and also that the plugin doesn't allow a path to be entered.

    I'll add some code in to the plugin warning the user it won't work if the site's path isn't "/"

  8. kgraeme
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @donncha - did you do anything about the 404's on the home blog?

  9. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 14 years ago #

    kgraeme - nope, wpmuguru just added code to disable the domain mapping on the main blog on folder installs...

  10. chyth
    Posted 14 years ago #

    thanks for your post. I happy that it works for the frontend. Cause I am the Admin of all the subblogs its no Problem for me to disable the domain mapping in the database before editing the blog (because the blogs aren't that frequently changed)... let me know if there is a solution in future releases... Thanks!

  11. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Just announced version Domain Mapping 0.5!

  12. hyrxx
    Posted 14 years ago #

    hi i just tried the domain mapping .5, was on .43 yesterday working ok
    now with the option redirect admin pages must be on for this to work, otherwise i get this url when i try login but it just goes back to the blog homepage

    and whats the primary blog thing for, should i set this up for my main site domain or for each domain, im still trying to workout what this does,

    also what is the thing about remote logon?? does that mean we can login to the main domain and any domains mapped to the site will also auto login?? like on


  13. charlie_hun
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have two sites (the primary: nad the secondary:

    The primary site options:
    siteurl and home:
    primary: siteurl and home:

    If i use the version 0.4.3 this works fine.

    Upgrade to 0.5 (overwrite sunrise.php and domain_mapping.php file), the secondary site don't load:

    An error occurred while loading
    Found a cyclic link in

    All blog in the site, is working fine, only the main site don't load.

    Nothing in the php error log.

    I'm usin WordPress MU 2.8.6.

  14. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 14 years ago #

    How did you add the "www." prefix to your domain charlie_hun? WordPress MU should strip it, that's probably what you're seeing.

    Hyrxx - are you using any full page caching plugins?

  15. charlie_hun
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I don't use cache plugin. Only APC php cache, but i diseble it for testing.

    I writing this the domain address ( to the 'siteurl' and 'home'. I use this ~one years ago.

  16. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Charlie_hun - unfortunately that's the problem. It won't work when you try to force it to use www.

    If you leave out the www from your siteurl/home then your site will still respond to that address if you have your server configured correctly but it will redirect to the address without.

  17. JayMyers
    Posted 14 years ago #

    OK I think I have everything working on a fresh install of mu on GoDaddy. I used the sub-domain method and installed in the root, created multiple blogs, and installed the domain mapping plugin in the mu-plugin folder.

    It appears in all blogs as it is suppose to, what I am confused about: Is the plugin suppose to mask the url?

    It is working as far as if I enter in the browser it takes me to the correct sub-domain where I have created it. But I guess I was under the impression that the end user would not be able to recognize the said url as a sub-domain of another. Am I missing something, or is everything working as it should?

  18. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    This is working as it should. Donncha's version works similar to the one at, where you can tell the subdomain in user uploads, etc.

  19. JayMyers
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Andrea, Was that response to my question?

    This is working as it should. Donncha's version works similar to the one at, where you can tell the subdomain in user uploads, etc.

    If so I am afraid I don't understand what you meant by where you can tell the subdomain in user uploads, etc. Are you just referring to setting the on creating a new blog?

    So if all is working as it should; Is there anyway to make it so the person who may enter will see permalinks and the site structure AS IF it were the a domain rather than a subdomain? such as you could do with masking and forwarding in GoDaddy Domain management.

  20. JayMyers
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Follow up: One thing I do not understand is while clicking on the Tools>Domain Mapping while logged into the subdomain is the "Active domains on this blog" and the radio buttons for the that I entered manually, and then the next radio buttons with the

    It would seem to me that this is for setting the PRIMARY for this particular subdomain blog. But when I click the radio button for setting the, which I would think would bring the masking I was thinking would happen. However whenever the radio is set for that it locks up that blog completely, and only thing I have found to fix it fast is to just delete the blog and start over. I can't imagine locking the blog up would be an intentional action. ;)

  21. wpmuguru
    Posted 14 years ago #

    By default the domain mapping plugin masks the original blog url.

    The primary domain is the one that the DM plugin will redirect requests to for that blog.

  22. JayMyers
    Posted 14 years ago #

    OK well my config by default is not masking.

    And if it does this by default, why have the radio buttons to choose a PRIMARY? I also don't know what I did to get what was working to stop working, but now when I enter in the browser I am getting nothing. And if I choose that url as the primary rather than which by default has the radio button enabled, that blog is toast as far as accessing as an admon or frontend.

  23. hyrxx
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @donncha: i just put a fresh install on it only has four plugins atm none are caching plugins

    fyi main site
    and my blog is on the .tv domain
    i can only login to the main site dash and the sub domain dash
    the domains will try to get me to login everytime despite being logged into the main site also
    so i cant login on domains because it does that redirect thing
    there should be something that logs you in on both if your logged into the main site or another blog /profile

  24. wpmuguru
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @hyrxx - does your wp-config have a define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', ... ); in it?

  25. wpmuguru
    Posted 14 years ago #

    "And if it does this by default, why have the radio buttons to choose a PRIMARY?" - because you can add more than one. If you map more than one domain, you have the option of choosing which one is primary.

  26. kingkong954
    Posted 14 years ago #

    If I DESELECT "Redirect administration pages to original blog's domain" then I cannot login at all on domain mapped (DM) sites. I just keep getting routed to a login screen.

    E.G., go to (original is, clicking "login" (or appending /wp-admin/ to the url) sends me to and logging in just keeps taking me to the login screen, never to the dashboard, and I am never shown as being 'logged in'.

    Once "Redirect administration pages to original blog's domain" is selected, after logging in I am taken to my *PROFILE* screen.

    All of this can be avoided if, in the Site Admin / Blogs / Edit blog interface I manually change the "Domain" field to .

  27. wpmuguru
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @kingkong954 - did you clear your cookies & browser cache?

  28. kingkong954
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @wpmuguru - Yes. On multiple browsers, too.

    With the redirect deselected, I can go to a DM mapped site, and it's "Login" button has the rigth URL (, but after I click it, I am redirected to, and then after I attempt to log in, I am redirected back to the home page, and the "Login" button is unchanged.

    It *should* redirect me to the dashboard, or the the link should at least say "Log Out", but it does neither.

    As soon as I select "Redirect administration pages to original blog's domain", then it works, but after Login I am redirected to my profile.

  29. kgraeme
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Sounds a lot like the browser cookie issue I was having. And that proved to be a browser config issue, not a problem with the domain mapping plugin.

  30. kingkong954
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @kgraeme: but it's behaving this way with a clean IE 6 and Safari 4 install that I keep "default" for testing.

    It also does it on my personal FF 3.5

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