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WPMU only works without the port number in the URL. (5 posts)

  1. napster_03
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi friends,
    my server is on Linux fedora core2.6.5, and I'm using apache2.2.2, mysql and php seperately (not like xampp or wamp) for my web application.But when I execute my it returns this error:-
    WPMU only works without the port number in the URL.

    While I deleted the wp-config file and again created the database with the privileges and then again on installing its creating the problem with the same message:-
    WPMU only works without the port number in the URL.
    So please help me to solve this problem.

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    WPMU only works without the port number in the URL.

    Yup. Done that way on purpose I'm afraid. There should be a couple of threads on the topic already if you search for port number.

    Discussed here as well:

  3. napster_03
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I followed all the possible countermeasures discussed in the threads still the same problem is apache use the port no. 9000 to run php application.
    What to do to overcome this problem............Please help me.

  4. gazouteast
    Posted 14 years ago #


    I went to trac and logged in to add more resons to the ticket why port number should be included in the URL, but could find no way to add my comments, so I'll put them here.

    I have a LAN server with Win2000, DNS, DHCP, ISA, blah blah blah. IIS uses port 80 to run the network and applications like the Exchange email server, ISA firewall, browsing proxy server etc.

    I've had to install WAMPserver configured for port 81 because port 80 is needed for the LAN - there is NO way I can work around this without shutting down all LAN services during use of WAMP.

    I'm not happy developing on Apache under IIS, which is why I use WAMP - it gives me the Apache / PHP / SQL versions I need in a hot-swapable environment, and emulates what I'd have from a webhost in a far better way than running them under IIS .... which would also kill the /blogs.dir/ path in WPMU.

    Because of the server setup, I have to use localhost:81/domain as the path to the virtual host for the install of WPMU, and the port stripping kills it before it installs.

    This is a genuine development need - to have the port number usable - else IIS takes over from Apache and opens an avalanche of browser windows pointing at the IIS help files and clogs the server resources to Hades and back again, just by trying to get to the install directory without the port number.

    Additionally, server access user names and passwords are different for the WAMP environment than for the regular LAN environment. This is an intentional security measure to stop unqualified tinkerers from getting into the development area (they're blind to the WAMP folders via NTFS permissions when using windows explorer, and "finding" a whole new tree of folders and files would be just too tempting for some).

    Please issue a patch for local server use so that port numbers can be used.


  5. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    "I went to trac and logged in to add more resons to the ticket why port number should be included in the URL, but could find no way to add my comments, so I'll put them here."

    No one will see it. The MU trac is closed.

    You may want to test the WP 3.0 trunk version to see if it support port numbers (I can;t remember) with the new multi site functionality turned on. (this is what MU will be).

    Then if it still doesn't work, file a trac ticket in the normal WP trac and tag it multisite.

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by napster_03
  • Latest reply from andrea_r