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Installing on subdomain (again :) (5 posts)

  1. stutley
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Sorry for bringing this topic up again - but DNS, Wildcards and stuff is *really* not my specialty.

    I was trying to set up WPMU on a subdomain; e.g. That worked fine. Installing with vhosts, I assumed that one could create a blog and get an address like Hm... Well, I use the RC4, I created a blog, got the activation-email, clicked the activation-link and got a nice Firefox "Server could not be found"-page.

    I assume something's wrong with my DNS-settings?! :D

    Please help ;)

  2. stutley
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ooh, just looked through my control panel. Would it help adding a wildcard such as *

  3. kahless
    Posted 18 years ago #

    My host has my DNS record as

    Custom DNS record for blogs.domain.tld

    Record (domain.tld) Type Value
    *.blogs CNAME blogs.domain.tld

    Then they have the non-editable entry which is the main A record. You may be able to edit your DNS record to add the custom CNAME with the wildcard. If not ask your host to do it.

  4. stutley
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Okay, I'll try .. Only annoyance is that my host says it can take up to 24 hours before it works.

    What's the difference between A record and CNAME anyway?

  5. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The 24 hours is a standard reply from those who don't understand the ins and outs of DNS. It should go into effect as soon as you save the changes unless their doing something funky with their nameservers of hosting them offsite.

    It's when you make a change to the root of the domain or change the IP or location of the domain that takes some time for it to go into effect. If a new visitor is looking for example.mydomain.tld, their local DNS is going to search for that first, not find it in their cache, and then go looking for the nameservers of mydomain.tld to find it. Since it's changed there, example should come right up.

    It's when the cache hasn't been changed is when you get the 24-48 hour delay. Like if you change hosts or something.

    Hope this helps,

    A record is the actually location of the domain (the IP address). CNAME is more of a nickname for another domain. (myblog.example.tld could be a CNAME of another.example.tld. If you typed myblog into a browser, you would wind up on another.)

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