Thanks. The links now work.
But my site is still a mess. Only one of two test blogs on the system shows up on the homepage:
When I go to the test blogs directly I get basically the same homepage with those ugly (blue) linked titles on top: (this is a blog from user admin - are all blogs from the "main user" excluded, not just the main blog?)
The code in my home.php must be wrong...
To recap what I'm trying to do again:
- On the home page I want the latest posts (not just links) from all the blogs on the system (exluding the main blog is fine)
- On the individual blog home pages I want the latest posts from that blog.
Apart from the structural issues, I really need some way to define the layout for 'Posted to ... by ...' and the 'more' link. Or the plugin should at least predefine it in a more usable way, not make it part of the title.