I am having issues with my sitemap being accepted by Google, and it's because my url is http://domain.com and not http://www.domain.com. How can I easily change this like I can in WP installs?
I am having issues with my sitemap being accepted by Google, and it's because my url is http://domain.com and not http://www.domain.com. How can I easily change this like I can in WP installs?
I've got quite a handful of domains without the www & Google accepts them just fine.
Paths don't match
We've detected that you submitted your Sitemap using a URL path that includes the www prefix (for instance, http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml). However, the URLs listed inside your Sitemap don't use the www prefix (for instance, http://example.com/myfile.htm).
Where in WPMU can I change it from http:// to http://www?
It's the sitemap plugin adding the www, not MU. It woudl be easier to fix the plugin, use a different, or change what google is seeing than it would be to wrangle MU to use www.