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mu-plugins don't show up in my admin area (12 posts)

  1. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    How am I supposed to manage mu-plugins? They don't show up under plugins in my admin area.

    How do I decide whether to install plugins in mu-plugins or in plugins?

  2. XIII
    Posted 18 years ago #

    If you want them activated for everyone; drop them in mu-plugins. If you want to let your members choose if they want to activate them; drop them in plugins.

  3. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    But how do I manage them in mu-plugins? I don't see them in the admin area...

  4. blips
    Posted 18 years ago #

    All plugins dropped in the mu-plugins directory are automaticaly activated. To disable a mu-plugin you have to remove it, there is no plugin manager or menu for mu-plugins.
    And if the plugin does not work you have to check the documentation of that plugin to determine how to make it work.

  5. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks blips!

  6. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    1. if there is documentation
    2. if they document about wpmu
    3. can someone point me in the direction of creating global (or adapting existing) plugins (the ones that go in mu-plugins)?

  7. MazZziKa
    Posted 18 years ago #

    can not understand .. most of plugin made for mu-plugin folder used by the admin only .. not for the members

  8. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    MazZziKa.. that would be an ideal world but it is not the case... any plugin in mu-plugins is automatically made available to all blog users... some plugins (most actually) are not coded correctly to show up on the options menu.

  9. mrjcleaver
    Posted 18 years ago #

    This explaination should go into a text file in the mu-plugins directory.

  10. mrjcleaver
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "There's [] two ways for adding in plugins on MU. Into the standard /plugins subdirectory and into the /mu-plugins subdirectory. []/ Now if you add them into the /mu-plugins subdirectory, they don't show up as neither the admin nor the end users have control over turning them on and off. They are activiated for everybody. "

    But, just because they can't be turned off doesn't mean they shouldn't be shown.

    I'm trying to hunt down why a mu-plugin isn't working. Presently I can't even tell whether wpmu thinks it is active.

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Some plugins don't have a menu to be shown. It depends. All the included ones (and I don't know what they even do) don't show up anywhere in the admin area.

    There's something wrong in MazZziKa's install becasue all the plugins he's tried in that folder are working for many other people.

  12. mrjcleaver
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yes, it would be nice if I could see any menus, but, even if there is not a menu to display I'd like to know that wpmu is loading any given plugin.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by modifiedcontent
  • Latest reply from mrjcleaver