Anyone else noticing that wpmu seems to cache rss feeds it grabs indefinitely? I've seen this with a couple of widgets ( and flickr) as well as the wordpress devblog in the dashboard.
- Niall
Anyone else noticing that wpmu seems to cache rss feeds it grabs indefinitely? I've seen this with a couple of widgets ( and flickr) as well as the wordpress devblog in the dashboard.
- Niall
This is happening on my site too, both in the dashboard feeds, and when bloggers use the rss widget to put a feed in their sidebar.
Eventually got this. The fix is to enable the cache.
$ head -2 wp-config.php
define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);
does the fix work?
I'm still getting this RSS feeds cache not expiring... have to manually delete them in the database
currently wordpress has using simplePie. the problem solved.
I have the same problem - what do meen by "problem solved"?
wordpress has using simplepie to get rss, it's new class for rss feed and it's will automatic reset the rss cache.
I use wpmu rc4. Does it have the new rss feed class?
Currently in wordpress only, I think latest wordpressMU will merge this update. I merged it myself.
Did the merge but the dashboard feeds still not updating.
Any idea?
One merged and update new rss class, you need add class-simplepie.php, edit wp-includes/rss.php, /widgets.php, wp-admin/index.php also need to update to use new rss feed. Please wait dooncha merge the feature or refer
Yes, I did add the file and updated all other files except for the widgets.php which I don't use. Did the merge according to the trac.
Still the dashboard feeds aren't updating.
Did you delete "rss_" cache rows from your database as mrball did?
I second his opinion as a valid "work-around".
It took a few hours and now the feeds updated.
dsader - no I didn't. Do you have the delete them for each user? did you do it only once?
Following my message above I have a different problems with the users feeds. Some users feeds do not work when using:
while for some users it does work.
Any ideas on this one?
Yes I deleted all cache in db beginning with "rss_". I used phpmyadmin to search and destroy. First I tried just one blog that didn't work, deleted it's old cache and watched new cache get created in its place. Feeds work, including the Dashboard feeds.
I enter the wp-rss2.php occasionally instead of the /feed/ to "burp" a stubborn RSS feed.
I don't know why it works, it just does.
Thanks, works great!
I'm havigna similar problem - it's still not expiring my Flickr RSS feeds. It does when I manually go in and delete them, but I can't be doing that everytime users update their Flickr photos.
Any ideas what I can hunt down?
I'm having same problem problem with my rss links.
How do I get simplepie to work. I see on it's not working all the way on the trac site. I'm using rc 4 do I need to upgrade?
Same problems here. Is there some kind of straight forward way to enable the cache?
I'm assuming the SimplePie suggestion requires adding code - I attempted installing the SimplePie plugin for WordPress with no luck.