Posted 15 years ago #
I have a site with 16 subsites. Mainsite like a portal. 16 different people (soccer coaches) are posting to their specific site. All working. But...why does WPMU send the comment approval e-mail to the admin instead of sending it to the poster? The poster did not get any email. this default behavior of WPMU?
Please respond.
Bert Deelman
It sounds like you have it set that the blog admin must approve a comment before appearing. The poster of the comment isn't who approves the comment. You can modify this setting under Settings->Discussion on the individual blogs.
Posted 15 years ago #
Yes you are right. I overlooked that setting. But then every one can add a comment without approval. But you (the editor) will receive a mail.
I think i can life with it.....
There are numerous ways to combat spam/moderate comments, it's really all about preference.
If you, as the site admin, originally set up the blogs for people then added someone else as an admin of that blogs, then yes. you're going to get the moderation notices. That's how it works in WP.
Posted 15 years ago #
Yes, i did set up the blogs with one admin. After this i added several editors. The site admin get those moderation notices.